
According to a recent Gallup poll, the use and temptation of drugs is the leading problem that American teenagers and young adults face. One in twelve Americans over the age of 12 admits that they currently use illicit drugs. According to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, one in five teenagers admits to using prescription drugs to get high, and one in ten teenagers admits to using over the counter (OTC) cough and cold medicines to get high. Nearly two-thirds of teens report that prescription pain relievers are easy to find at home, in the medicine cabinet. Healthy People 2010 shows that 30% of all deaths in the United States are premature because of psychoactive substances. The leading causes of death in Americans between the ages of 15 and 24 are accidents, suicides, and homicides…in many cases directly because of drug use. Almost all drug use begins in the teenage years where conflict, pressure, temptation, curiosity, and drug availability are all increasingly present. However, regardless of age, class, gender, or religion, all groups are susceptible to fall victim to the appeal and effects of psychoactive drugs.

how does prescription drug addiction occur?

Narcotics, or painkillers, are drugs commonly prescribed to patients to alleviate intense pain and suffering. Morphine, an opiate, is one of the most commonly prescribed narcotics. However, opium is also present in the street drug heroin and creates hallucinogenic changes in mood and feeling. Natural pain remedies such as the coca leaf has a modern derivative in the street drug cocaine, which has become increasingly abused in the past 20 years. Cocaine acts as a central nervous system stimulant (creating “highs” because of nervous system overactivity) and as an appetite suppressant. It becomes easier to understand the addictive effects of prescription drugs when their relationship to illicit drugs is explained. Patients who take prescription drugs for pain and post-operative management sometimes find themselves addicted to the pleasant effects of the drug (mood change, increased sensation, alleviation of depression) and continue administration of the drug long after the intended result of the drug is achieved.
(Sanberg, Paul, Ph.D. and Michael Bunsey. "Prescription Narcotics: The Addictive Painkillers." Chelsea House Publishers: 1986.)

The goals of this blog are to:
.educate readers about the growing epidemic of prescription drug abuse
.explain the appeal, availability, and dangers of abuse, specifically among teens, and discuss treatment
.supply parents with prescription and OTC drug abuse warning signs and stress the importance of communicating with teens
.provide a variety of sources and information so readers can further their knowledge of this increasingly-present and often-overlooked form of substance abuse

Saturday, March 21, 2009

cbs news: prescription drug availability and public opinion

According to an interview with Dr. Scott Davis on CBS News, concerns about prescription drug abuse were discussed. A prescription often turns into an addiction when people are dealing with prescription pain medications. Dr. Davis mentioned that these people often do not think they have a problem, because these meds can and normally do alter that person's state of mind. Again, it was also stated that these drugs are easily accessible through medicine cabinets, over the internet, and sometimes, but rarely, on the streets. Even though this is an area of great concern, these drugs are legal. Unfortunately, because of this, people think they are not as bad as illegal drugs, and when the notion of this along with the easy accessibility are combined, a huge problem occurs.

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  1. The problem with todays prescription drug use is, they have made it so accessible to the public and there's lack of responsibility among parents and authorities regarding prescription drugs. It is advocated by the healthcare profession and also due to the advent of easy access through the internet that this problem is so rampant in our society now.

  2. very informational
